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Yue Opera "A Portrait of Shunkin" will be performed at SCCC


12 April 2025 | Saturday | 7:45 PM

2025年4月12日 | 星期六 | 晚上7:45

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Shanghai Yue Opera - Videos
五女拜寿 Five Daughters Celebrating Grand Birthday

五女拜寿 Five Daughters Celebrating Grand Birthday

Synopsis During the Jia-jing Era of the Ming Dynasty, factions close to devious Prime Minister Yan Song monopolised power. Tired of the internal power struggle, Yang Ji-kang announced his plan to quit officialdom during his birthday celebration. His daughters and son-in-laws came to bestow him with expensive gifts and offers of residency. Only his third daughter Yang San-chun and her poor husband came empty-handed. Madame Yang despised them and drove them away when a family feud flared. Yang Ji-kang, implicated in the power struggle in court, was stripped of his official titles and turned to his daughters for shelter. Only San-chun was willing to take care of them. Her husband passed the Imperial Examination and redressed the injustice suffered by Yang Ji-kang who was reinstated to his previous ministerial post. The family, minus the unfilial members, celebrated his wife’s 60th birthday with much joy.  Yue Opera “Five Daughters Celebrating Grand Birthday" is a family-centric opera and its storyline is full of emotion, conflict and suspense. This story will enchant an audience of all ages and it is a theme suitable for multi-cultural audience as all Asian communities can relate to the importance of the family. 剧情简介 明朝(公元 1368-1644)嘉靖年间,户部侍郎杨继康,欲告老还 乡,在六十大寿之期,众女儿女婿带着丰厚礼物,进京祝寿。而养女杨三 春,与夫婿邹应龙,虽家居贫寒,仍一片至诚远道前来拜寿,却遭杨夫人冷遇。   杨继康之弟杨继盛上书奏本,参劾严嵩,反招来杀身之祸,杨继康 受牵连,被削职抄家,赶出京都,身无分文,无处安身,唯有远走他 乡,投靠女儿女婿,不料大女婿俞志云,投靠了严嵩,,二女儿杨双桃 唯利是图,不肯收留;四女儿与五女儿的亲家陈尚书惟恐得罪严党,受牵连,竟以银子打发。走投无路之际,幸亏重遇养女杨三春,接二老回家,悉心侍奉,杨夫人感动之余, 倍觉惭愧。   三年后,三女婿邹应龙高中状元,搜集严嵩罪证,上本参劾,严嵩势力崩溃,杨继康官复原职,杨家在经受了一场兴衰荣辱的变迁之后,看清了势利小人的面目,毅然拒绝了前来献媚奉承的二女儿和大女婿。寿堂上又一次呈现出一派乐享天伦的动人景象。
[Digital Production] Chunhyangjeon Trailer [数码制作]  《春香传》 预告片

[Digital Production] Chunhyangjeon Trailer [数码制作] 《春香传》 预告片

#yueopera #chineseopera #chineseculture Chunhyangjeon's soundtracks《春香传》原声带 available on: Spotify: Youtube: Stream & Watch Digital Video: "Chunhyangjeon," a classic Korean literature, narrates a captivating love story between Lee Mongryong, a nobleman, and Chunhyang, a courtesan's daughter, highlighting societal barriers and their unwavering love. This youthful version fuses traditional elegance with contemporary interpretation, featuring Korean dance, offering a mesmerizing visual experience with singing, dancing, and drumming. 《春香传》是一部经典的韩国文学作品,讲述了贵族李梦龙和艺妓之女春香之间令人着迷的爱情故事,凸显了社会阶级障碍和他们坚定不移的爱。这青春版作品将传统的优雅与现代的演绎相结合,呈现韩国舞蹈,为观众呈现了引人入胜的视觉体验,包括歌唱、舞蹈和鼓点等元素。 To know more, visit: Follow us on: Instagram - Facebook - YouTube - #soundtracks #YueOperaSoundtrack #ChineseOperaMusic #TraditionalMusic #CulturalHeritage #ArtisticExpression #MelodicElegance #ClassicalBeauty #YueOperaMelodies #CulturalPerformance #TimelessTunes #HeritageMusic #AsiaClassics #HarmonyInMusic #MusicalTradition #OperaticExperience #ChineseArt #PerformanceArt #ArtisticJourney #CulturalArtistry #YueOperaExperience #MusicalHeritage #OperaSound #ArtisticSounds #CulturalEnrichment #VocalArtistry #OrchestraMusic #Chunhyangjeon #ElegantMelodies #MusicAppreciation #OperaRendition #culturaltreasures
上海越剧欣赏晚会 2022- “幕后花絮”视频 | Shanghai Yue Opera Appreciation Night 2022-Behind the scenes video

上海越剧欣赏晚会 2022- “幕后花絮”视频 | Shanghai Yue Opera Appreciation Night 2022-Behind the scenes video

Are you curious about the process of putting up a performance? We have made you a Shanghai Yue Opera Appreciation Night 2022 “Behind the scenes” video. Recap the performance with us now! 您对演出的过程感到好奇吗? 我们为您制作了 2022 年上海越剧欣赏晚会“幕后花絮”视频。 现在就和我们一起回顾演出吧! Photos credit Alan Ng ======================================= 社交媒体账号 Connect with us: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Website (订阅月刊 Subscribe to our Newsletter): 资助艺术团体 Support us: Donation: ======================================= About Yue Opera Yue Opera is one of the five main genres of traditional folk opera in China. It is also the second most influential and popular Chinese Opera genre after Peking Opera. The distinguishing feature of Shanghai Yue Opera is its lyrical and poetic style, which incorporates all five aspects of stage production - scriptwriting, directing, performance, music and design. As a performing art, it is a good marriage of the abstract and realism. Chinese classical literature and history that is passed down generations through folklore form the basis of its repertoire. By upholding tradition and innovating constantly, Yue Opera has evolved into a popular art form with a unique style of performance. 关于越剧: 越剧,中国五大传统戏曲之一。目前越剧已成为中国第二大戏 曲剧种, 仅次于北京戏曲。 上海越剧独特的魅力在于它的歌词 如诗,曲调婉转柔美。作为一⻔表演艺术,它完美的结合了抽 象与现实,融合了舞台制作的五大元素 - 编剧、导演、表演、 音乐和美术设计。剧目灵感大多来自中国文学与历史,世代相 传的⺠间传说。通过秉承传统及不断创新,上海越剧已具有独 特的表演方式。
BTS Video: 上海越剧 【皇帝梦 】改编自莎士比亚著作-幕后花絮  | Macbeth by William Shakespeare -Shanghai Yue Opera

BTS Video: 上海越剧 【皇帝梦 】改编自莎士比亚著作-幕后花絮 | Macbeth by William Shakespeare -Shanghai Yue Opera

#Macbeth #shanghaiyueopera #上海越剧 A short clip of MACBETH recording day! Behind the Scenes Part 4 From composition, scriptwriting, fixing roles and characters, costumes design, lighting design, music arrangement, countless practices. Finally, we present to you our latest show - Macbeth by William Shakespeare, re-imagined in an Original Shanghai Yue Opera production. Using a traditional Chinese art form to perform a Shakespearean theme. Watch how Tang Renaissance adapts this famous tragedy into Shanghai Yue Opera. Get your tickets now! 《皇帝梦》幕后花絮 04 - 正式录影,后台直击! - 原创上海越剧 【皇帝梦】改编自莎士比亚著作 - 大唐文化传播在新冠病毒大流行期间,从新改编这部文学著作。从谱曲、填词、编曲、编剧、服装设计、人物设计、舞台设计,无数次的排练, 终于完成了这部全新的剧目。 以华族传统艺术形式演绎莎士比亚著作,剧情以激动人心和悲伤的歌剧演唱为特色,反映了⻨克白和⻨夫人所感受到的恐惧和内疚。 千万别错过,一场中西合并,精彩绝伦的上海越剧表演。 现在就购票吧! 编剧:蔡曙鹏博士(新加坡) Scripted by Dr Chua Soo Pong (Singapore) 作词作曲家:田稼丰(中国) Original music and lyrics composed by Tian Jiafeng (China) 大唐文化传播制作 Produced by Tang Renaissance = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 上海越剧 【皇帝梦 】改编自莎士比亚著作 | 线上演出 Macbeth by William Shakespeare, re-imagined in an Original Shanghai Yue Opera production | Online Stream 日期 Date: From 15 January 2022 to 29 January 2022 时长 Duration: 80mins 票价 Ticket price: S$20/ticket* 线上平台 Platform: SISTIC Live 购票网站 Ticketing Link: 附中英文字母 With English & Simplified Chinese subtitle * 每张票都会收到一个链接,每一个链接都能观看两次表演。 * 从2022年 1 月 15日(晚上8点后) 至 1月 29日 (晚上8点前)。您有两个星期的时间,可以用手机、平板电脑、手提电脑、电脑,观看线上表演。 * Limited to 2 viewing per ticket * Click the link provided on SISTIC e-Ticket, watch the show between 15 January 2022 (after 8pm) to 29 January 2022 (before 8pm) on your Laptop/Tablets/Mobile Phone = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Connect with us: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Website (Subscribe to our Newsletter): Support us: Donation: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = #Macbeth #williamshakespeare #皇帝梦 #麦克白 #莎士比亚 #tangrenaissance #shanghaiyueopera #chineseculture #chineseopera #大唐文化传播 #上海越剧 #中华文化 #传承 #越剧 #上海越劇 #越劇 #sgcultureanywhere #singaporeculture #chinesemusical #musical #originalsmusic #literature #arts #performingarts #chinesearts #singapore #chineseinstruments #musicproduction #onlinestream #sisticlive
“Macbeth”《皇帝梦》- Tang Renaissance 大唐文化传播 -Shanghai Yue Opera - Original Music

“Macbeth”《皇帝梦》- Tang Renaissance 大唐文化传播 -Shanghai Yue Opera - Original Music

Shakespeare wrote “Macbeth” during the lengthy closure of Globe Theatre due to the bubonic plague. Between 1603 and 1613, playhouses were shut a total of 78 months. While taking one-year hiatus, we present this curation of the original music of “Macbeth” - staging 4 July 2021. Produced by Tang Renaissance 《麦克白》是莎士比亚在k瘟疫时所作,当时,环球剧场因疫情而关闭。在1603-1613年疫情期间,所有剧场关闭长达78个月。 阔别一年,我们将在 2022年1月15日 至 29日 呈献上海越剧《皇帝梦》(改编自麦克白))线上演出。这是《皇帝梦》原创音乐片段。 由大唐文化传播制作 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 上海越剧 【皇帝梦 】改编自莎士比亚著作 | 线上演出 Macbeth by William Shakespeare, re-imagined in an Original Shanghai Yue Opera production | Online Stream 日期 Date: From 15 January 2022 to 29 January 2022 时长 Duration: 80mins 票价 Ticket price: S$20/ticket* 线上平台 Platform: SISTIC Live 购票网站 Ticketing Link: 附中英文字母 With English & Simplified Chinese subtitle * 每张票都会收到一个链接,每一个链接都能观看两次表演。 * 从2022年 1 月 15日(晚上8点后) 至 1月 29日 (晚上8点前)。您有两个星期的时间,可以用手机、平板电脑、手提电脑、电脑,观看线上表演。 * Limited to 2 viewing per ticket * Click the link provided on SISTIC e-Ticket, watch the show between 15 January 2022 (after 8pm) to 29 January 2022 (before 8pm) on your Laptop/Tablets/Mobile Phone = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 社交媒体账号 Connect with us: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: 支持艺术团体 Support us: Donation: 标志 Hash Tags: #tangrenaissance #shanghaiyueopera #上海越剧 #大唐文化传播 #中华文化 #上海越劇 #越劇 #chineseculture #yueopera #ambassadorofshanghaiyueopera #singapore #performingarts #traditionalchineseartform #chineseopera #chineselanguage #artscharity #nonprofitorganisation #literature

About Us

Established in 2005, Tang Renaissance is an IPC arts charity registered in Singapore presenting Shanghai Yue Opera performances. 

Our mission is to accelerate the learning and appreciation of Chinese culture by embracing multiculturalism and fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations through Yue Opera, one of the most progressive forms of Chinese Opera.  




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Uncover the Beauty of Chinese Culture

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The distinguishing feature of Shanghai Yue Opera is its lyrical and poetic style, which incorporates all five aspects of stage production - scriptwriting, directing, performance, music and design. As a performing art, it is a good marriage of abstraction and realism. Chinese classical literature and history passed down generations through folklores form the basis of its repertoire. There are also elements of day-to-day living about it.

In performance, it appeals to the audience with its elegance, sensitive yet earthy rendering. It has its roots in the life of the people without losing the successful formula of operatic music. The vocal style is lyrical, expressive, appealing to the ear and touching to the heart. The scenery and props, costumes, and creation of stage personae are very much in Chinese painting tradition. The visual appeal is obvious: tasteful, colourful and invites imagination. This opera's genre is like a rare and fragrant bloom from the Chinese opera garden where hundreds of species grow and thrive.


越剧,目前为中国第二大戏曲剧种。 上海越剧独特的魅力在于它的歌词如诗,曲调婉转柔美。作为一门表演艺术,它完美的结合了抽象与现实,融合了舞台制作的五大元素 - 编剧、导演、表演、音乐和美术设计。剧目灵感大多来自中国文学与历史,世代相传的民间传说。近代的剧目也加入了不少日常生活的元素。


"Conquerors and their velour perish. But masters of beauty live forever."
Du Fu (A Song of a Painting to General Cao Ba)



Tang Renaissance became a registered arts charity in May 2017 after nearly 20 years of promoting the traditional art form of Shanghai Yue Opera. We aim to be an ambassador for Shanghai Yue Opera in Singapore and to provide a platform for practitioners to hone their craft. We collaborate with groups overseas for cross-fertilization of ideas, talents and sharing of intellectual properties. Every year, we aim to produce a new show under the series "Shanghai Yue Opera Appreciation Night" which will be staged in a local theatre. We also seek opportunities for cultural exchange events overseas and be part of an international network that shares ideas, knowledge and connections to make a larger impact on our community through the arts.

大唐文化传播推广传统艺术~上海越剧近20年,于2017年5月注册,成为艺术慈善机构。 我们的目标是成为新加坡上海越剧大使,并为从业者提供一个磨练技艺的平台,通过与海外团体的文化交流、合作,思想交流、分享知识、人才和共享优秀作品,进而提升新加坡艺术家的水平。通过艺术表演,熏陶人心,提升人与人之间的凝聚力,



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Help us preserve, inherit and grow the Chinese Opera and Chinese Culture


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Shanghai Yue Opera Appreciation Night

Celebrating the Rebirth of the Theare! Join us for mesmerizing yue opera performances. Experience the timeless beauty of this traditional art form and be captivated by our talented artists.


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