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Wong Tai Wee, David


David is a CIO with a manufacturing company. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Computer Engineering) Degree (Merit). In his professional capacity, David involves in IT strategy development , building IT capabilities and managing the IT operations. David had experience in IT system implementation for the Singapore’s community care sector and airline industry over the years as a IT professional holding various capacities. 


David is the Deputy President of the Buddhist Fellowship, which he has been serving the Executive Committee in various capacities since 2006. The Buddhist Fellowship prides itself in being an organisation that dares to be different, embarking on new, revolutionary projects and activities that benefit the community and constantly striving to meet its 4,000 plus members’ needs. David joined Tang Renaissance’s Board and brought along his invaluable IT expertise and leadership skills in managing a prominent non-profit organisation, inevitably contributing to the arts charity’s post-Covid transformation.

大卫是综合健康信息系统(IHiS)的副总监。 他拥有应用科学(电脑工程)荣誉学士。 他曾与新加坡 护联中心(AIC)合作建立IT基础结构管理能力和最终用户计算业务。 他组建IT团队和IT预算管理,並在该机构的成长阶段监督IT战略的制定。 他为AIC实施各种管理系统,包括拨款管理系统和客户管理系统。他也参与护理疗养院和社区护理的IT執行项目,并为综合保健信息系统公司(ILTC)部门实施了全国养老院IT系统。 大卫曾经在新加坡航空公司工作了13年,曾在不同部门担任IT专业人员。 他参与了项目管理,IT基础架构运营(服务器管理),货物运输的IT应用程序设计和开发,财务,商业智能,电子商务门户,机组管理,路线优化计划和预订系统。

大卫是新加坡佛友会的副主席。自2006年以来,他在執行委会担任不同职位,为佛教团体实行各种創新的社交或社区活动项目,也不断努力去满足佛友会的四千多名成员的需求。 大卫带来了他宝贵的IT专业知识和领导才能,加入了大唐文化传播董事会。恊助管理一个已成名的非营利机构的同时,他也将为大唐在冠病后时代的转型做出積极的贡献。

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